Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time to drop the yuck onto paper and move on to a positive perspective

Take a moment to look through your past and the friends you've had through the years. can you genuinely think of ONE person that you enjoyed being with when all they did was be negative and depressed?? no one is lifted up by someone who is always down, simply does not work that way. which is why this is my last post on the rough aspects of life, i'm laying it out to forget about it. from then on i'll be writing from a different type of view, it'll be beneficial to me to do so.

i've been thinking for close to a half a year now how to mend the broken friendships of a life. fix what was so broken that it has yet to be fixed. my friends are the people i hold most dear to my heart and when a friendship is lost.... i become lost, very simple to understand. in life is it best to fix any and all relationships despite their natural value to us?? or is there times that we need to move on from our past and accept that not everyone can potentially co-exist in friendships or relationships. these questions will hit me each time i see a person that has been lost form my daily life. if i was the final decision maker in the scenario i wouldn't let a friendship that was once so valuable to be lost so easily. but in the end i've come to the conclusion that i will always be in control of my feelings, emotions, actions, etc.... but there will never be a moment in my God given life that i will control these things in another person. with this knowledge i must move on from the past, and drive myself into a new future, new relationships are to be made, new memories to be created.

Time and time again we see relationships come and go, time and time again we see people become involved with flings. now there is no saying that relationships are bad or sinful, that i could just never say. but what of flings, what about the people who engage in a physical relationship without the emotional connection that is given through a dating relationship. are they wrong to do so, or is there a deeper reason for actions such as these. i have a viewpoint on it, as usual. is it possible that although the flings are unhealthy and complicated, that they still have their place in a persons life. that there are still reasons for why i person would do this besides getting "some." I argue that a person does not get involved in flings because of the physical gratification (a majority, but some certain just want "play"). i believe that when a person feels down and lost with the emotional dating relationships that they will change into a fling type lifestyle. its simple really, you gain the emotion of feeling wanted and cared for, that you matter and have something to offer other people in your life and the opposite sex. it is a solution to fulfilling a lack of these feelings offered from a relationship.
but those are the positive aspects, there's negatives to these such acts. the positive emotions gained are short lived, they last about as long as a smoking addict without a cigaret fix. during the time with a person you feel better and happier, same while your in communication with the,. but when communication hits a break, it ends, one or the other moves on, etc... the feelings will disperse and you will be worse off than you we're before. you will find yourself further lost and confused than you had initially intended to find yourself to feel. if there was anything i learned through the flings i've experienced and the relationships i've had come and go... its simply that we cannot allow ourselves to be defined by the beliefs and opinions of others. they are simply human and what they say or think has no bearing on who we are as people. become stronger in yourself and in the Lord. because when you gain the self confidence offered through identity in self and Lord, you will find yourself no longer in need of affirmation from the opposite sex of friends (though keep in mind compliments from friends are not bad and neither is criticism, just don't let them DEFINE you).

thats my blog for now.... btw if anyone wants a great new musical artist, check out Blake Bollinger.

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